Wright Financial Group, LLC

7 Risks To Your Retirement

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7 Risks To Your Retirement

Most of us look forward to retirement, imagining that we’ll get to relax and enjoy activities we haven’t had time for – such as traveling, reading, and exercising.  However, as Baby Boomers and pre-retirees transition
into full retirement, many don’t realize they are crossing the threshold into an entirely new way of living, one in which they’re increasingly vulnerable to risks that are unique to retirees.

After spending decades working towards a goal, too many retirement plans are set back by these 7 Easy-to-Avoid Risks. 

Risk 1: Living Too Long
In the year 2000, there were 50,000 people who lived to be age 100 or older. By 2050, that number is expected to reach 1 million.
With life expectancy rates higher than ever, it means that most people will need to plan for a longer retirement than they originally expected.

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