Inflation & Required Minimum Distributions Workshop
If you own a 401(K), IRA, 403(B), or any other retirement account and you are between the ages of 64-72…pay close attention!
In the past, you may have attended a “free dinner” seminar, and you may not have been fully informed. We are here to help provide an education to those that may need it most, retirees or those nearing retirement. We help you gain the knowledge necessary so you are empowered and enlightened.
The IRS requires Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from your retirement accounts when you turn 73 years old. They are complex and unforgiving rules. If you don’t follow their rules and laws or make just one costly error, the penalties can be serious and down-right painful if ignored.
Topics to be covered:
- Provisions of the new SECURE 2.0 Act, just passed into law January 2023, that you must follow to be in compliance with the IRS.
- How to help calculate your RMDs considering the new law.
- How the age change and the timing for RMD withdrawals could affect you.
- How the changes to employee sponsored accounts and catch-up provisions could affect those
near retirement. - Whether Roth conversions make sense considering the latest changes.
- Inflation is on the rise — What are the long-term effects of your dollar buying less? What are
the consequences? - Tax-saving strategies to offset additional taxes that could result from your RMDs.
- Asset allocation strategies to help you avoid cannibalizing your principal when you are taking RMD distributions.
Interested in attending? Registration coming soon!