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Building Blocks of Retirement
Traditionally, the key to a financially solid retirement plan has been to save early, ideally from the day you start working. It’s always been good advice to live by, but today’s retirement is more complex. It requires a different approach.
It wasn’t always this complicated. There was a time in the not-so-distant past when you worked 30 years for the same employer. When it came time to retire, you had a pension and Social Security to depend on. Now, most of us are facing challenges that are making it harder to achieve a more comfortable retirement lifestyle. Living longer, carrying more debt, family dynamics and healthcare weigh heavily on many Americans. Market volatility and fallout from the pandemic have only exacerbated the situation.
Retirement can be the most rewarding and exciting phase of your life, but today more than ever, it’s up to you to make that happen. To do it, you’ll need the right strategy.